Changsha Jiandu Museum 简牍博物馆

This is an interesting history lesson to learn how people in the past (over a thousand years) had documented information so thoroughly and preserved their work so well that we could still read the writings clearly. I think this is one of the rare museums in the world simply devoted to this aspect.

The museum volunteer guide took more than 30 minutes to walk us through the collection patiently, including elaborating how the census of the population was carried out, and what kind of info was recorded.

 Below is a sample of info gathered.

Thanks to Qin Shihuang, who united the writing that gave us the privilege to be able to learn and understand the wealth of knowledge in a written language of the past.

In the museum, we saw texts written on bamboo sticks and wood pieces; and we would agree that we can recognise many of these characters thought the strokes for some might have some deviation.

Below elaborated what it means by "青" - how the bamboo was treated before use. Now we know what the "青" means in ""人生自古谁无死?留取丹心照汗青" (文天祥)

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